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Genel Uygulama
Created Date
12 Ocak 2013
Current Version
Last Update
11 Temmuz 2024

Manage your company's digital assets. Use it for personal work or share with other employees for collaboration.

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  • Documentation

Document Types

Incoming Document

Save the documents that come to the institution by mail, fax, cargo, by hand or by e-mail, with automatic numbering.

Outgoing Document

Manage documents sent to other employees within the organization or to individuals and institutions outside the organization.

Common Documents

Manage commonly shared documents for the organization, such as information, meeting notes, reports.

Linked Documents

Associate documents with applications with project, opportunity, task, customer, order links.

Document Organization

Grouping and Categorizing

Organize your documents with unlimited grouping and categorization features.


Distribute the incoming document to the relevant people within the institution for information or action.

Related Outgoing Documents

Add associated outgoing documents for incoming documents.


Save the modified document under revisions with the revision feature. Preserve the original version of the document.

Document Management

Status Assignment

Create status definitions such as open, closed, cancelled, and assign them to your documents. Filter your documents based on their status.

Automatic Numbering

Set a prefix and suffix for your registration number, and ensure that the registration number automatically increases with each new registration.

Document Number Tracking

Keep track of your documents with the automatically generated business registration number and document number, and access them easily with the search feature.

Incoming and Outgoing Document Institution Tracking

Collect documents coming from and going to institutions under the institutions group.

Documents Analysis


See the number of incoming and outgoing documents and common documents for each institution.

Incoming Document Distribution

Obtain information about how many documents the employee is responsible for and how many documents have been distributed to him/her.

Outgoing Document Coordination

See how many outgoing documents the employee has prepared in total and how many outgoing documents they are associated with.


Access the number of open, closed, cancelled, incoming, outgoing and shared documents.

Wide Authorization Options

Based on Group and Category

Authorize usage by adding relevant users to groups and categories.

By Transaction

Limit action permissions such as adding, editing, downloading, printing on a per-action basis for some users in a group or category.

Basic Components Usage

Creating a Task

Easily create a task for the relevant person of the document or document from basic components.

Creating Notes

Add notes to your papers or documents.

E-mail & SMS

E-mail & SMS notification

When incoming or outgoing documents are associated with the relevant person or when changes are made to the document, ensure that the person is informed via e-mail and SMS.

Document Sharing Via E-mail

Share your papers or documents with relevant people via E-mail.

Using Email Templates

Create e-mail templates and send e-mails practically from the document with the template.

Document Management

Adding a Document

Add relevant documents to your projects or tasks. List all added documents on one screen.

Productivity Tools

Telephone Directory

Collect staff phone numbers on a single screen for internal communication. Provide quick solutions by saving important phone numbers on a group and category basis.


Save frequently used links. Add icons and descriptions to links, manage them categorically. Place it on the screen you want thanks to widget support.

World Time

List times in different parts of the world with Entranet.

Document Management

Save and revise your common documents used within the company on Entranet. Add tasks, notes to documents.


Keep call and visit records on Entranet. List your staff's call and visit records.

The Food Menu

Offer your employees meal menus with defined energy values.

Support Registration (Ticket)

Receive customer requests with the support registration application. Manage support tickets with stages and statuses. Add activities, tasks, forum messages to support tickets. Review user and customer statistics.

Suggestion and Complaint

Manage customer suggestions and complaints with Entranet. Assign tasks to their contacts, completed, overdue, pending, in action with stage definitions See the records. Review complaint statistics.


Save your personal or corporate notes to Entranet. Share notes with other users. Archive by dividing into folders. Access notes from all applications as a core component.

Music Box

Listen to music through the system while using intranet. Create personal or shared music playlists.

Units of Measurement

Easily create your own converter for measurement unit conversions you use frequently.

Travel Planner

Plan your travels, add your expenses to your actual trips.


Set a date and time, add anniversary, birthday, etc. reminders for yourself or your colleagues.

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Ortalama Puanı
Ahmet Sacitoğlu