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Cloud ERP Software
Systematically monitor your domains, servers, emails, security services, integrations and backups.
Measure your resource usage, back up your data.
Manage your intranet infrastructure, domains, servers, mail, security, integrations and backups.
Track how much resources you use, calculate the cost. Use your resources efficiently.
With automatic and manual backup options, set certain periods and keep your data constantly backed up.
Register, transfer and manage your domain names easily with Entranet.
Record server, name server, SOA information and DNS. List all DNS records with transaction channel, supplier, status, expiry date and number of days remaining.
See the suppliers, status, expiry dates of your security services, follow their duration.
Add mail accounts to your domain records, see your incoming mails with the mailbox.
Access network service information.
Access the information of your servers such as service pack, supplier, remaining days of service.
Examine the database Snapshot records. Create new Snapshot records.
Access web hosting services information.
Take your internal and external backups periodically with the automatic backup feature.
Automatically run your tasks based on a certain period. List scheduled tasks.