Flaterp - Products
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Manage Your Business Processes End-to-End with Flaterp

Provide maximum efficiency and flexibility in your business by moving your company to the cloud with Advanced Flaterp. Easily manage all your business processes from a single screen.

Overview - List with Images
Accounting Management
Accounting Management

With the accounting module, automatically account for the records created in the current modules, check, bank and cash transactions in detail.

Financial Management
Financial Management

Check daily cash movements, upcoming collections and payments from the cash flow statement.

Income and Expense Tracking
Income and Expense Tracking

Instantly view your financial status by tracking your income and expenses on a single screen, strengthen your financial management and increase your profitability.


Speed up your business processes and reduce your operational costs with e-Transformation services. Manage your business more efficiently by switching to e-Invoice, e-Archive Invoice and e-Delivery Note.

All-in-One Business Management Solution Flaterp Cloud ERP Software

Manage end-to-end business management by gaining full control over all processes of the business.

Product Management
Product Management

describe your products in detail, track stock and keep pricing, sales processes and inventory management under control. Separate your products into categories so that your customers can access the products they are looking for on your website faster and easier.

Purchasing Management
Purchasing Management

Create your purchasing requests quickly, manage approval processes. Compare supplier offers and choose the most suitable option.

Sales Management
Sales Management

Manage your sales and distribution channels effectively, integrate all processes from dealer orders to field sales.

Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management

Keep track of your opportunities by adding call, meeting and visit information to your potential customer cards. Create offers and manage all your calls from a single point.


Accelerate your digital transformation with e-commerce solutions, easily create and manage your online store. Make your business more efficient by optimizing product management, stock tracking, pricing, campaigns and customer relations processes.

Human Resources
Human Resources

Speed up your human resources processes; easily manage leave, attendance control, performance, recruitment and personnel inventory management.


Speed up notification processes by easily publishing current news and announcements, and support the creation and management of employee profiles.


Manage your business processes from a single center with POS, bank accounts, ERP, XML, API, call center, e-mail and SMS service integrations and increase efficiency in every area of your company.

Have Control of All Systems

Measure your resource usage efficiently, back up your data safely. Prevent data loss by increasing the performance of your business.

Overview - Boxes with Icons
Manage Your Entire Infrastructure
Manage Your Entire Infrastructure

Manage your infrastructure completely with Flaterp; organize your domain, server and mail systems effectively. Strengthen your security, optimize your integration processes and back up your data safely.

Measure Your Resource Usage
Measure Your Resource Usage

Monitor your resource usage regularly, calculate costs. Protect the financial health of your business by increasing efficiency.

Backup Your Data
Backup Your Data

Set specific intervals with manual and automatic backup options, keep your data safe at all times. Provide effective protection against data loss.