Financial Accounting
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Financial Accounting
Simplify Finance and Accounting Management

Save resources to grow your business.

Finance & Accounting - List with Visuals
Improve Your Financial Processes
Improve Your Financial Processes

Invoice your sales faster, manage your collections, and integrate your finance applications with other business applications.

Get Paid Faster
Get Paid Faster

Create invoices from your orders with e-invoice integration and share them with your customers instantly.

Keep Your Cash Flow Under Control
Keep Your Cash Flow Under Control

Monitor all your financial transactions such as income-expense, expenses, advances on a single screen on a daily basis. List your payments, invoices, proformas.

Manage Your Financial Operations More Efficiently

Current Account Tracking
Current Account Tracking

List all movements in your client's accounts and see their balances. See the total balances in your different accounts along with payments from all your clients based on date.

Invoice Tracking
Invoice Tracking

Easily create your invoice with original, discounted, and withholding invoice templates according to invoice type. Print your invoice or save it as PDF or Excel if you wish. Share it with your customer.

Income Expense Tracking
Income Expense Tracking

List all your income on a single screen on a date basis, save as Excel. Define cost centers, categories and expense items, and classify your expenses. See your total expenses.

Budget Planning
Budget Planning

Plan your budget, compare targeted and actual income and expense items, see the difference between them and their realization rates.

Easily Perform E-invoice Integration

Prepare your e-invoices electronically effortlessly. Easily issue your invoices and share them with your customers instantly. Speed up the collection process.

Easily Perform E-invoice Integration