Mail Templates
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Mail Templates

Mail Templates
Mail Templates
Created Date
29 Ağustos 2014
Current Version
Last Update
12 Ağustos 2024

Prepare the templates of the news, announcements, promotions, etc. e-mails you will send to your customers.

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Marketing Processes

Email Marketing

Announce your campaign announcements, promotions and innovations to your customers with E-mail marketing.

SMS Marketing

Use SMS marketing for your notifications such as campaigns, coupons, tickets, surveys.

Sending Notifications

Send campaign information or offer temporary discounts to your customers with instant notifications.

Shopping cart

Enable your customers who have products added to their cart to continue shopping where they left off when they visit your site again.

Email Templates

Ensure that your emails sent automatically or manually are of high quality and standard by creating email templates.

Blog Management

With blog management, manage blogs by dividing them into categories, enter your content and publish it on your website.

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