You can follow the steps below to increase the success and motivation of your employees.
1. Determine your communication tools with your employees.
2. Switch to online project management tools. Control the whole process with the easy and fast remote working software of Entranet .
3. Have frequent short conversations with your employees.
4. Don't miss the video talks. Move your brainstorms to digital environments.
5. Hear from your employees about the challenges of remote working, except once a week.
6. Ask questions specific to remote work.
- What is your favorite part of working remotely? (Find out what triggers them)
- How is your daily routine for work?
- Do you think it is included in our team decisions? Why / why not?
- How do the tools we use as a team work for you remotely?
- Which colleagues do you want to have more connections with? How do you think this will help?
- You visit the office X times a year. Do you think that's too much, not enough, or just right?
- How can I better support remote staff like you?
7. Ask your employees for weekly and monthly reports.
8. Never cancel your business plans with your employees.
9. Hold group meetings with your company employees.
10. Send gifts to your employees.
11. Meet face to face at least once a year.